Artist with a focus on photography and photofilm. Strong interests in music and it's potential. Can't deny a light vinyl addiction.
Dienstag, 29. November 2011
I was really very much looking forward for that to happen
and finally "its ooooon!" So take your chance an WIN THE LAST seperately available copy of the vinylpostcard (ltd 33+2 pieces) by ONLY posting a comment to the blogpost on the
The WINNER will be announced December 5th! The lottery will go on until December 4th, 11:55, CET. From here its your decision if you want to give 2 minutes of your precious time to read the blog and post a comment. Enjoy and good luck!
Find out more about that mixed media installation on the project's website. The vinylpostcard is part of that installation (ldt 3+2). Also check dj food's nice post about my postcard and the Stepkids one on Stones Throw. Comments regarding the lottery are ONLY considered via the splitpersonality blog, but stillL: feel free to drop your thoughts here too. Always enjoying feedback. Thx!
Mittwoch, 16. November 2011
I'm proud to share (soon on my website) a little bit of the outcome of "Österreichische Galerie Belvedere" assigning me with the architectural photography of Karl Schwanzer's newly adaped and extensively renovated "21er Haus" (usually built as the Austrian Pavillion for Expo'58 in Brussels).
Some of the photos have been and will be used in and for billboards, press, folders, ... some of them got a 12 pages feature in the book published on the occasion of the re-opening of the "museum of the 21st century"; a really impressive piece of art.
Thank you "Belvedere" for resurrecting this diamond in Austrian architecture and for giving me this opportunity. Really happy about that project and about what Christof Nardin who is responsible for the communication design made out of it all. Props! Love it!
BOOK: "21er Haus - Back to the Future - A Retroperspective Look at a Museum" - ISBN 978-3-86895-202-5

Dienstag, 1. November 2011
I'm proud to announce, that "Strictly Kev alias DjFood/Ninja Tune" wrote "a little something" about my "lenscapes #02" vinylpostcard project and the one Stepkids just recently released as a bonus to their album on "Stones Throw". He was quick enough to grab THE LAST remaining vinyl postcard that was for sale and I'm really glad he did. Now head over to or find information about the project on the beta of the future "lenscapes_02" project subsite.
BIG THANK YOU everyone for your support and of course to Strictly Kev for taking the message further than his "P.O.Box"!!! Glad that "carrier-pigeon" found its way to London. And I'm working on the next one for all that missed out.
One more chance: the last remaining one (not counting my personal copies and those that belong to the installation) will be in a little quiz on soon... stay tuned!
Markus Oberndorfer,
strictly kev,
Vinyl Postcard
Freitag, 7. Oktober 2011
This project of my homie DDay One's early-works was originally circulated as a cassette, limited to 20 copies. Recently, it was restored using modern audio restoration and preservation techniques.
This process involved digitizing material from 4-track, 3.5” floppy disc and one of the surviving tapes.
For PRE-ORDER from now on via content label website. Enjoy. Nice and raw! but nothing else to expect from the DDay One, mr. samplist himself. More information in HERE.
This process involved digitizing material from 4-track, 3.5” floppy disc and one of the surviving tapes.
For PRE-ORDER from now on via content label website. Enjoy. Nice and raw! but nothing else to expect from the DDay One, mr. samplist himself. More information in HERE.
dday one,
Diggers Digest,
Elevate Your Mind,
Mood Algorithms,
Samstag, 1. Oktober 2011
one of those artists you never get disappointed by. Doctor Becket from Las Vegas. Two tracks from his "Way Of Life" album from 2005 ... you might know this tracks from "home again ..." mixtape. Enjoy
related blogpost: "Doc Bec - The Other Way"
related blogpost: "Doc Bec - The Other Way"
Diggers Digest,
Doc Bec,
Doctor Becket,
Elevate Your Mind,
hip hop,
Way Of Life,
You Should Know
Dienstag, 20. September 2011
Since years one of my most favourite Hip Hop records. Listen to the lyrics, starting from the first sentence in the track posted and realize that this lyrical artform can be about a lot more than just about "the money and the bitches". Elevate your mind!
Blame One - Lyrics Geometric (1995, prod. by Kankick)
"By many its overlooked, to me its underrated,
valuable content, artistic ..."
Blame One: "This download will be really dope to some, outdated and/or even wack to others [...] I originally only pressed 500 copies of this on vinyl. It was my first vinyl as a solo artist (my group mysterys extinction was featured on vinyl before this). I to this day only have one copy so its very limited. Two songs ended up on “chemically imballanced” but they were heard here first. I didnt add any restoration or effects to clean it up, I kept it exactly as is. Ive always wanted to tell a bit of history behind songs and since this is free… I figured… why not"
Blame One - Lyrics Geometric (1995, prod. by Kankick)
"By many its overlooked, to me its underrated,
valuable content, artistic ..."
Blame One: "This download will be really dope to some, outdated and/or even wack to others [...] I originally only pressed 500 copies of this on vinyl. It was my first vinyl as a solo artist (my group mysterys extinction was featured on vinyl before this). I to this day only have one copy so its very limited. Two songs ended up on “chemically imballanced” but they were heard here first. I didnt add any restoration or effects to clean it up, I kept it exactly as is. Ive always wanted to tell a bit of history behind songs and since this is free… I figured… why not"
Blame One,
Diggers Digest,
Finally Ep,
hip hop,
Mysteries Extinction,
You Should Know
Mittwoch, 14. September 2011

I'm really looking very much forward to this as it seems like I have managed to bring a lot of media that have been accompanying me over the last years (analog & digital photography, photofilm, music, vinyl, ...) together in one work that will be shown together with others, I'm also looking forward to ...
The exhibition will travel Austria over the next months, Vienna (Vertical Gallery, VERBUND headquarter will be the last stop as far as I know for those that don't make it to Kärnten this time.) - watch out for a very limited (33 pieces) vinyl-postcard release - to be announced soon.
Hydro Power,
Vinyl Postcard
Samstag, 3. September 2011
This is a message to all crate diggers and music lovers. For a long time I wanted to put the tracklist for one of my most favorite tapes in personal history - "Signifyin Breaks" by Dj Signify - together. I made it a long way, but havent got everything. Some names are on the tip of my tongue but I just cant spit them out.
The tape - rotaug's very own berserka bought at Fat Beats NY (* 1994, † 2010) way back in '97 - never had a tracklisting on the cover and for whatever reason I want to put it together. In a way this tape was a new experience for me back then; going back to the samples, the breaks, to where Hip Hop (among other things) comes from. Signifyin' breaks "anyone" should know as I would say. Still a hard job to name them all. But; here's what I have and the "???" are what we're trying to find. I put a recording of the (quite worn) tape (.zip) online, so you know what we're looking for.
I put my part of the tracklisting in the comments, ... dont hesitate adding a number or two or ... I'm sure I missed something inbetween.
Dj Signify - Signifyin Breaks (Mixtape 1996, discogs).
crate digging,
Diggers Digest,
dj signify,
hip hop,
Original Breaks,
signifyin breaks,
Freitag, 29. Juli 2011
dear friends and family! I'm proud to announce the release of an indeed veeeery nice blog about my work on the post includes photographs, texts and the link to my first ever entirely self produced track "lenscapes #1" that shall somehow be a statement in regards of my work. enjoy, post, blog, ... spread the word and go support!
Spread The Word
Samstag, 7. Mai 2011
Andy Goldsworthy, who in regards of a lot of things - but most of all his spontaneity, intuition and calmness while working with natural materials and processes - is one of my most favourite artists, literally speaks out of my mind in "Rivers & Tides" by saying.
"One day i went out and worked on the beach. What struck me was a sense of energy [...] this almost breathlessness and uncertainty. [...] Total control can be the death of work."
"One day i went out and worked on the beach. What struck me was a sense of energy [...] this almost breathlessness and uncertainty. [...] Total control can be the death of work."
Mittwoch, 9. März 2011
Leaning on a very nice project by Richard Nicholson and a post published by the Guardian that featured the project under the headline of “the dying art of the photographic darkroom", I tried to leave you some personal thoughts, that has been haunting me for a while.
Even more since I read an interesting manuscript called “Rauchzeichen aus dem Labyrinth - Der onthologische Anspruch der Photographie” by Steffen Kammler last year (“Rostocker Phänomenologische Manuskripte”).
Bringing what i read in the manuscript together with what i saw in Richard Nicholsons project and what I experience of being a photographer that still partly processes in the darkroom, i was wondering … “What esle is going to be gone if the photographic darkroom really dies out? Where (if there) is this thin border between photography in the broader and photography in the narrower sense? The border, that after Steffen Kammler and in conjunction with the darkroom would have to be drawn behind “the negative that has been the last instance that has direct contact with the light and therefore carries the trace of the referent”? Something that digital photography can not claim for itself as “the lightsensor that literally takes the place of the photosensitive layer, in comparison does not show any trace of contact after the contact with the light …” because “the location of the light-contact is seperated from the location where the information is stored.” (Steffen Kammler, Rauchzeichen …, page 28).
I’m not a philosopher and I know that in the end it might not really matter for the (average) spectator. But still I do - as an artist - confront myself with the media I’m working with. As I had to deal with some slight problems after Kodak lately decided to stop production of a certain paper I partly used over the last 9 years of printing - and loved, I had to think about that question of the media even more and had to involuntarily compare those two (very different) crafts from an at least process oriented point of view:
“The craft and process of taking a negative, filterting colors and getting a result by printing in the darkroom” VS “the craft of scanning a negative and trimming dozens of adjustment layers” to get a similar result.
It’s not that I decided to switch from analog processing to digital. It was a “just in case” for a “worst case” scenario where - in my case - Fuji decides to discontinue their Kodak “equivalent” out of the blue!!!! (A scenario artists, photographers,… unwillingly have to deal with due to technical changes, lobbying or companies stopping the production of certain fundamental ressources of their work; not just in photography.) However; I started comparing the procedures and steps that would bring me to that similar result and I started wondering about which craft carried more of that (non existant) claim to reality that (from a laymen’s and not philosophical or mediat-heoretical perspective) makes photography the photography “we somehow believe in”. And I came to the conclusion, that for me personally it is more “the process in the photographic darkroom” than the one infront of the screen and dozens of layers changing the appearance of a picture, that gives me that unique (authentic-like) feeling of being a photographer documenting the world around me. Although I know that I’m still a photographer (not better or worse) if I use my digital camera (that i like aswell - no digital hater here) to make a picture. But still; it’s just different and not the same. If it has something to do with Steffen Kammler’s statements, i don’t know. But I know there is space to give it some more thoughts. As always.
Enjoy the documentary (youtube) and Kodak, Fuji, … (if you’re out there) give it a thought and please just sometimes continue carrying extraordinary items like special papers, … within you product catalogue. As an acessory if you like. I know you do and I also know that you have to be competitive in a globalized world, but those are big decisions you make and it always effects someone.
I’m not expecting anyone to read what I just wrote. The flood of information is just one other thing that comes along with our digital times. If you do, thanks for taking the time; otherwise i can say: for me personally it was great to clear some thoughts that were running around in my head anyway.
I wonder if “Vinyl” survives the “Compact Disc” by the way. Enjoy!
Even more since I read an interesting manuscript called “Rauchzeichen aus dem Labyrinth - Der onthologische Anspruch der Photographie” by Steffen Kammler last year (“Rostocker Phänomenologische Manuskripte”).
Bringing what i read in the manuscript together with what i saw in Richard Nicholsons project and what I experience of being a photographer that still partly processes in the darkroom, i was wondering … “What esle is going to be gone if the photographic darkroom really dies out? Where (if there) is this thin border between photography in the broader and photography in the narrower sense? The border, that after Steffen Kammler and in conjunction with the darkroom would have to be drawn behind “the negative that has been the last instance that has direct contact with the light and therefore carries the trace of the referent”? Something that digital photography can not claim for itself as “the lightsensor that literally takes the place of the photosensitive layer, in comparison does not show any trace of contact after the contact with the light …” because “the location of the light-contact is seperated from the location where the information is stored.” (Steffen Kammler, Rauchzeichen …, page 28).
I’m not a philosopher and I know that in the end it might not really matter for the (average) spectator. But still I do - as an artist - confront myself with the media I’m working with. As I had to deal with some slight problems after Kodak lately decided to stop production of a certain paper I partly used over the last 9 years of printing - and loved, I had to think about that question of the media even more and had to involuntarily compare those two (very different) crafts from an at least process oriented point of view:
“The craft and process of taking a negative, filterting colors and getting a result by printing in the darkroom” VS “the craft of scanning a negative and trimming dozens of adjustment layers” to get a similar result.
It’s not that I decided to switch from analog processing to digital. It was a “just in case” for a “worst case” scenario where - in my case - Fuji decides to discontinue their Kodak “equivalent” out of the blue!!!! (A scenario artists, photographers,… unwillingly have to deal with due to technical changes, lobbying or companies stopping the production of certain fundamental ressources of their work; not just in photography.) However; I started comparing the procedures and steps that would bring me to that similar result and I started wondering about which craft carried more of that (non existant) claim to reality that (from a laymen’s and not philosophical or mediat-heoretical perspective) makes photography the photography “we somehow believe in”. And I came to the conclusion, that for me personally it is more “the process in the photographic darkroom” than the one infront of the screen and dozens of layers changing the appearance of a picture, that gives me that unique (authentic-like) feeling of being a photographer documenting the world around me. Although I know that I’m still a photographer (not better or worse) if I use my digital camera (that i like aswell - no digital hater here) to make a picture. But still; it’s just different and not the same. If it has something to do with Steffen Kammler’s statements, i don’t know. But I know there is space to give it some more thoughts. As always.
Enjoy the documentary (youtube) and Kodak, Fuji, … (if you’re out there) give it a thought and please just sometimes continue carrying extraordinary items like special papers, … within you product catalogue. As an acessory if you like. I know you do and I also know that you have to be competitive in a globalized world, but those are big decisions you make and it always effects someone.
I’m not expecting anyone to read what I just wrote. The flood of information is just one other thing that comes along with our digital times. If you do, thanks for taking the time; otherwise i can say: for me personally it was great to clear some thoughts that were running around in my head anyway.
I wonder if “Vinyl” survives the “Compact Disc” by the way. Enjoy!
analog process,
photographic darkroom,
Richard Nicholson,
Rostocker Phönomenologische Manuskripte,
Steffen Kammler
Montag, 28. Februar 2011

Also make sure you check Kalhex (Lex, Parental and Le Makizar) debut LP “Kalhex” from 2009. A “sleeping” French Rap diamond from Paris. Great beats, great conscious lyrics … just great! ! Buy records! Support artists you like, so they can do what they seem to do best!
Diggers Digest,
french rap,
godfather don,
hip hop,
instrumental hip hop,
kev brown,
lens j,
lex de kalhex,
perfect picture,
Samstag, 19. Februar 2011
Dear friends and family ... I'm going to start rolling up a little bit of my/our history. A history that somehow started before we even realized that it would become our's too... It was the mid 80ties, that should be the beginning of a long era in Gmunden's "Freestyle Sport" and "Creative Mindz" history ...
In the first photo (1987) you will find two of those guys responsible for lots of that ... our dear long time friends Gerald Loidl (first from the left) and former flatland world champion Richard Vobr (second from the left). Both part of the "BMX Team Gmunden". I sadly never met the others as far as I remember, but in the back you see another really good friend of ours, that would accompany us over the years in various shapes and forms: The Ghetto-Blaster! Blaaasting Hip-Hop into my ears from the first day I remember joining the Posse in 1994. There are lots of stories I could tell from here, but for now i just want to "HOLLAAA!" at those who cleared the way for generations to follow.
And that's what all you "Skaters and BMX-freestylers" out there that enjoyed this pre-heated nest in Gmunden back then and the ever growing skatepark and freestyle sport community should do too. Hold still for a moment, think back and ... "HOLLAAAA!!!"'
Without the effort of Gerald, Rick, Mario, Rudi, ... a lot would have turned out different i suppose and maybe the one or other would have worshipped anything else but a miniramp, skateboard or bicycle. I'm writing this post, because i think it's important, to bring into our mind again, that there was a time when new ramps and obstacles were not suddenly falling from the sky. A time when we used to build those wooden ramps on our own; having the will to create! (and of course we had a ghetto blaster in 1995, what did u think?!).
I can only speak for myself, but I think I don't do any wrong by saying that a part of this possee, the various groups existing within it and the freedom we all somehow experienced together changed and shaped my life. And I also believe that this time and this place where lots of us met, was also leading some of us to what they do now ...
... being free mindz, doing whatever they do, but doing their thing, making films, taking photos, doin graphics, producing, nerding on music ... and cars of course. KEEP CREATING my friends & DO YOUR THING!!!! Thx for one part in my personal "school of life" fam!!! And to some of our friends that got lost along their path, R.I.P ... I won't forget the time we all had together!
Originally posted on our rotaug collective website october 22nd 2010 ...
In the first photo (1987) you will find two of those guys responsible for lots of that ... our dear long time friends Gerald Loidl (first from the left) and former flatland world champion Richard Vobr (second from the left). Both part of the "BMX Team Gmunden". I sadly never met the others as far as I remember, but in the back you see another really good friend of ours, that would accompany us over the years in various shapes and forms: The Ghetto-Blaster! Blaaasting Hip-Hop into my ears from the first day I remember joining the Posse in 1994. There are lots of stories I could tell from here, but for now i just want to "HOLLAAA!" at those who cleared the way for generations to follow.
And that's what all you "Skaters and BMX-freestylers" out there that enjoyed this pre-heated nest in Gmunden back then and the ever growing skatepark and freestyle sport community should do too. Hold still for a moment, think back and ... "HOLLAAAA!!!"'
Without the effort of Gerald, Rick, Mario, Rudi, ... a lot would have turned out different i suppose and maybe the one or other would have worshipped anything else but a miniramp, skateboard or bicycle. I'm writing this post, because i think it's important, to bring into our mind again, that there was a time when new ramps and obstacles were not suddenly falling from the sky. A time when we used to build those wooden ramps on our own; having the will to create! (and of course we had a ghetto blaster in 1995, what did u think?!).
I can only speak for myself, but I think I don't do any wrong by saying that a part of this possee, the various groups existing within it and the freedom we all somehow experienced together changed and shaped my life. And I also believe that this time and this place where lots of us met, was also leading some of us to what they do now ...
... being free mindz, doing whatever they do, but doing their thing, making films, taking photos, doin graphics, producing, nerding on music ... and cars of course. KEEP CREATING my friends & DO YOUR THING!!!! Thx for one part in my personal "school of life" fam!!! And to some of our friends that got lost along their path, R.I.P ... I won't forget the time we all had together!
Originally posted on our rotaug collective website october 22nd 2010 ...
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