Mittwoch, 30. Oktober 2013


After Jeux de la Francophonie in Nice where I (sent from the Austrian Minsitry of Foreign Affairs and the Cultural Forum Paris) represented Austria in the cultural competition "photography") - it's now my pleasure to invite you to the upcoming exhibition "Under Pressure" at Museum der Moderne Mönchsberg in Salzburg, Austria. Running from November 1st until March 2nd 2014 the show concentrates on politics in contemporary photography.

From my side, the exhibition will show several framed photographs (some of which are part of the Austrian State Collection, others loaned), the interview-video of contemporary WW2 witness, Henri Lavrillat, I recorded last year,... "Autrement on devient fou....." (Otherwise you go crazy) will premiere in MdM.

As much as I'm looking forward to this exhibition I also look forward to the Artist Walk on February 23rd 2014, 3pm to which I kindly invite you to. It would be great to see you all there, talk about the project and answer questions. All the best, and hoping to see you there and soon.

More information:

Sonntag, 1. September 2013


From September 6th until 15th I will officially compete for Austria at "7th Jeux de la Francophonie in Nice" in hope for a Gold, Silver or Bronze medal together with 28 other photographers from all over the world (including Tschad, Liban, Vietnam, Canada, Cote d'Ivoire,...).

The 29 remaining competitors for the are the  cutural competition discipline "photography" are the final selection out of all invited nations nominées for photography that were selected during the nomination and selection-process.

Opening of the VII.Jeux de la Francophonie, September 7th, 7pm ... wish me luck and keep your fingers crossed!

Samstag, 10. August 2013


One of talks/discusions during International Expert Meeting "Redefining The Atlantic Wall", Amersfoort, Netherlands 2010.

Atlantikwall Platform

Montag, 17. Juni 2013


"Am Ende der Sehnsucht". Fotografische Positionen zu Tod und Meer", Altonaer Museum für Kunst und Kulturgeschichte, Hamburg

OPENING: 18.06.2013, 7pm
DURATION: 19.06.2013 - 06.10.2013

Hans-Christian Schink
Pavel Odvody | Ivo Kochscheidt
Marko Zink | Markus Oberndorfer

Sonntag, 19. Mai 2013


My first monograph "Foukauld - La Disparition" about the disappearance and apporpriation of Hitler's fortifications on the Atlantic coast around Cap Ferret finally got it's first proper presentation at "OstLicht.Gallery" Vienna on March 22, 2013. 

For 45 minutes I was involved in something that I would refer to as a "call and response talk" with art historian Anna Stuhlpfarrer. Still - in the end - I had the feeling that the audience wanted to hear/know more, so... 

"Big Thank You!" to all those that made it, to OstLicht's team for the great cooperation and again to all those that supported me realizing this huge longterm project. Without you all this would not have been possible. 

Also dont miss out on the LIMITED BOX (Edition: 50) with a limited print, the photofilm "Omega Point" feat. DDay One on Blu-Ray, an accompanying booklet with a text about the film by media philosopher Lydia Nsiah, a set of postcards... Only a very limited quantity is still available. 

You can get the monograph in selected stores in the US, UK and Europe or order via my or my publishers (Fotohof edition) website. 

Another possibility to get hold is the Viennaphotobookfestival which will take place at Ankerbrotfabrik (OstLicht Gallery & Gallery Anzengruber) on June 8th and 9th 2013. For more information ...

Stay tuned for more coming soon. 
Photos: Sophie Haslinger

Freitag, 18. Januar 2013


Just another sad day in many for the analog world of photography over the last years. Fujifilm Austria has now confirmed in an email that my most beloved film "Fuji Reala 120" has been discontinued - among other films and products - and that NO follow-up is planned. Seems like it is time to buy a fridge for my stock that should get me through until the end of 2014, but still: Soon the last one of this brilliant films will probably be exposed or expire somewhere in the world.

With the (since years of course) rising popularity of (in the first place) cheaper and for some purposes definitely more convenient digital photo"graphy" it became much more difficult and expensive to keep the handcraft of photography and the dying art of the photographic darkroom alive because you are constantly confronted with changes, delivery problems, discontinuations ...

Still: Digital photo"graphy" is just not the same even though filters can do the job for you to make it nearly "look a like". In regards to media philosophical and -theoretical aspects, its brilliance of color transitions in print, and in regards to archival purposes for the future, they communicate a different thing though - the period that will probably be known as a "dark hole of digital data information loss". But why? Because either noone will be able to read the harddisks, or noone will have the time or be interested to digg through folders of digital trash in search for a holy digital grale. At least platforms like facebook will have a big archive of photos they can sell, haha; its as ironical as that.

Anyways, being constantly confronted with the question of which ingredient to the most delicious version of a cake you can cook will be discontinued next, I will try to keep working in the photographic darkroom up as long as I can. I know this will not change Fujis decision or the market that orients itself after what can be sold and makes the biggest profit, but still I feel better with these words written. "Gut Licht!".