My first monograph "Foukauld - La Disparition" about the disappearance and apporpriation of Hitler's fortifications on the Atlantic coast around Cap Ferret finally got it's first proper presentation at "OstLicht.Gallery" Vienna on March 22, 2013.

"Big Thank You!" to all those that made it, to OstLicht's team for the great cooperation and again to all those that supported me realizing this huge longterm project. Without you all this would not have been possible.
Also dont miss out on the LIMITED BOX (Edition: 50) with a limited print, the photofilm "Omega Point" feat. DDay One on Blu-Ray, an accompanying booklet with a text about the film by media philosopher Lydia Nsiah, a set of postcards... Only a very limited quantity is still available.

You can get the monograph in selected stores in the US, UK and Europe or order via my or my publishers (Fotohof edition) website.
Another possibility to get hold is the Viennaphotobookfestival which will take place at Ankerbrotfabrik (OstLicht Gallery & Gallery Anzengruber) on June 8th and 9th 2013. For more information ...
Stay tuned for more coming soon.
Photos: Sophie Haslinger
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